نوع فایل
PowerPoint (pptx) قابل ویرایش
پاورپوینت در اینجا نحوه حرکت
از مدیریت ساده به رهبری واقعی آورده شده است
پنج 5 راهکار عملی
Here’s how you can move from simply managing to truly leading:
متن به دوزبان فارسی و انگلیسی
حالت کتاب ورق زن
ازرهبری یک خانواده تا
رهبری یک سازمان
هوش کسب وکار
مدیریت و رهبری توسعه فردی
کارآفرینی باهم رشد کنیم
کاش این مطالب را زود تر در
مدرسه می آموختم
تعداد اسلاید22
Managers focus on their own importance.
Leaders make others feel important.
The difference is worlds apart.
It’s easy to manage tasks and processes.
But leadership?
Leadership is about people.
It’s about making others feel seen, heard, and
Here’s how you can move from simply managing
to truly leading:
1. Listen more than you speak
– Great leaders know that their role is to
listen and show people that their opinions matter.
2. Give credit, not just feedback
– Feedback is important, but giving credit
where it’s due creates a motivated and positive environment.
3. Empower, don’t micromanage
– Trusting your team fosters independence,
creativity, and ownership.
4. Set the vision, then inspire
– People don’t follow rules, they follow
purpose so show them the “why,” and they’ll be motivated to move forward.
5. Lead with empathy
– Leadership isn’t about power; it’s about
influence. People remember how you made them feel.
Use this framework for impactful leadership:
1. Clarity
– Ensure your team understands not just what
to do, but why it matters.
– Clear vision equals clear direction.
2. Connection
– Build genuine relationships.
– Focus on connections, not just authority or
3. Contribution
– Leadership is about helping others grow.
– When your team succeeds, you succeed.
Empower them to shine.
Leadership is about creating a lasting impact
on others,
not just checking off tasks.
فروش با سایت لوکس فایل
تم، افکت ها، تصاویر و اشکال متحرک بسیار زیبا
PowerPoint pptx قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت می باشد
تعداد 22 صفحه
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